Unity Architectural Lighting Control - Controllers
DMX Master Programmable
The SC910 is a compact and simple to use DMX controller and scene playback device, capable of local, independent control of 512 channels of DMX and 18 user defined, recordable scenes. This device can be programmed as a stand-alone device or connect to a DMX chain with another controller and can snapshot up to 18 scenes to be recalled at the push of a button or slide of a fader. In addition the SC910 can interface with other Unity architectural stations to provide additional control points at any needed locations.
The SC910 is available in either a wall mount or desk top version. The SC910 is the perfect solution for any installation requiring easy to use seamless architectural control of DMX512 lighting systems controlling LED and conventional lighting or as a backup to larger lighting consoles.
512 control channels
Create, Store and Playback 18 scenes
(eight push button and ten fader)
Available in Wall Mount or Desk Top
10 faders for scene or DMX channel control
User Defined Fade Times 0-55 seconds for push button scenes
Programmable fixed DMX output value for parking channels